
Бег при минус 53: в самом холодном марафоне мира поучаствовал и белорус

Марафонский забег "Полюс холода" состоялся в якутском Оймяконе в третий раз. В нем приняли участие 65 бегунов, в том числе спортсмены из ОАЭ, США и Беларуси.
Это настоящее испытание холодом: марафон прошел в условиях экстремально низких температур (-53 оС). Интернациональная команда из 12 мужчин и двух женщин пробежала полную дистанцию (42 км). Старт был дан в 10 часов в селе Оймякон - в 40 с лишним километрах от поселка Томтор.
На старт вышел и марафонец Евгений Чавлытко из Беларуси, он с результатом 4:42.22 замкнул четверку в своей возрастной группе, а в общем итоге из 10 бегунов стал восьмым.
Вдоль трассы были установлены палатки, где спортсмены могли передохнуть и перекусить. Состоялись забеги и на другие дистанции – 21,1, 10 и 5 км. Смотрите в фотоленте Sputnik Беларусь.
© AP / Ivan NikiforovA runner looks at a photographer after taking part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участник Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovRunners take part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участники Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovRunners take part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участники Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovWomen wearing Yakutian national costumes support runners taking part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Девушки в национальных одеждах на Международном самом холодном в мире марафоне в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovA runner takes part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including athletes from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участник Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovWomen wearing Yakutian national costums support runners taking part in International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Девушки в национальных одеждах на Международном самом холодном в мире марафоне в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovRunners take part in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участники Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovA runner finishes in the International World's coldest marathon at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Финалист Международного самого холодного в мире марафона в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
© AP / Ivan NikiforovRunners of the International World's coldest marathon bath in a warm spring at minus 53 degrees (-63.4 Fahrenheit) near Oymyakon, the republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, Russian Far East, Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. Sixty five runners, including sportsmen from the United Arab Emirates, United States and Belarus, started the run at extremely low temperature in Oymyakon, Yakutia's Pole of Cold. The international team of men and women ran full distance and half-marathon.
Участники Международного самого холодного в мире марафона во время купания в Якутии  - Sputnik Беларусь
После испытания бегуны самого холодного в мире марафона купались в теплом источнике недалеко от Оймякона.
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